Добавено в твоите Избрани обяви


Просмотры: 80

О компании

MAXEF Ltd. develops Internet solutions related to different markets: real estate, work with documents, payments and others. 

We have extensive experience and therefore our goal is to provide our clients in the European Union with quality Internet services and modern online technologies. 

We are open to those candidates who see in our company an opportunity to realize their professional development and are ready to work as efficiently as possible.

Обяви за работа в МАКСЕФ ЕООД (1)

Добавено в Избрани
Асистент мениджър (български и руски език, непълен работен ден/почасова)
От 1500 До 2500 лв.
гр.София / 30 Октябрь
Обяви по Email

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