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Аплеона България ЕООД

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О компании

APLEONA is the leading pan-European service provider for the operation of properties and real estate. For almost 30 years our customers have trusted in our infrastructural, technical and commercial services. This allows us and our business partners to achieve sustainable success.
We are a central part of the facility services division of the Apleona international engineering and service group. With their commitment, our almost 70,000 employees globally ensure that our everyday life works within the Group: they design and finance, repair and maintain, build and operate.

Визитна картичка

Фасилити Мениджмънт

Служащие в Болгарии: 75
Города в Болгарии:София, Пловдив, Варна, Севлиево, Благоевград Петрич
В Болгарии с:2007
Служащие во всем мире:3000
Страны/города вне Болгарии:Европа, Азия, Африка


Допълнително здравно осигуряване
Годишен бонус
Партита и тиймбилдинг



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