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Customer Relations Experts with Foreign Languages

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Хигиенист в офис
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Специалист поддръжка и координация с Немски или Френски език (B2 - C1) - нов проект
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Консултант Жилищно Кредитиране
from 2000 to 2500 BGN
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Координатор Бизнес Обслужване с Немски език.
from 3300 to 3400 BGN
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Customer Support Representatives with Foreign Languages
from 2500 to 3300 BGN
Sofia / 29 November
20 December 202444
Customer Relations Experts with Foreign Languages Изи Консулт ООД
Изи Консулт ООД
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Customer Relations Experts with Foreign Languages
Изи Консулт ООД

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